What is Proxy Server
A proxy server is a software system running on a computer or any other hardware that acts as an intermediary between an end user device like pc, mobile and an Internet based server from which a user or client is requesting a service.
How it Works –
When a proxy server receives a request for an resource (e.g a Web page) –
1. it searches in its local memory [ cache of previously pages]. If it finds the page, it returns it to the user without needing to forward the request to the Internet. thus increase speed and saves bandwidth also.
2. If the page is not found in the cache, the proxy server, acting as a client on behalf of the user, request the page from the server out on the Internet using its own IP address. When the page is returned, the proxy server relates it to the original request and forwards it on to the user.
Why we Need of Proxy Server ?
1. In this age of Internet, Each organisation needs to maintain a Internal LAN network i.e Intranet. Using this LAN they provide internet access to Employees. Based on role of employee , Internet access, Internet bandwidth provision has to be done. A no of solutions available but most of them include recurring cost or Linux based, hard to operate for a normal employee. Smart Proxy is the best solution for such situation.
2. For Individual User, Proxy hides actual IP of user thus protect it from Hackers and spying Agencies.
Watch Video to See a graphical demonstration of proxy server working
Benefits of Proxy Server
- Security : Hides User Identity from Hackers and other agencies
- Speed : Increase Speed using Cache memory
- Save Bandwidth : Using Cache , Helps to reduces Internet Bandwidth requirement
- Authentication : Proxy Sever enable user authentication
- Site Filtering : Using Proxy, particular WebSites can be allowed or restricted
- Surf Log : Can keep record of surfing done by users or employees