What is NETSH Command?
In the computing field, NETSH stands for network shell. It is command-line utility incorporated in Windows NT line of operating system of Microsoft. NETSH enables local and remote configuration of network devices. NETSH command allows you to change your network settings. For instance, using NETSH command, users can switch or modify their network configuration from dynamic address to a static address. NETSH commands are run by typing specific commands on the NETSH command prompt. The commands can be used in scripts and batch files. Using NETSH commands the user can configure local and remote computers.
In addition to this, NETSH provides a scripting feature that enables the user to run a group of commands in batch format.
What are the NETSH Contexts?
NETSH uses DLL (dynamic-link library) files to associate with other operating system components. Each helper DLL of NETSH provides a substantial set of features known as context. A context is a group of commands that are fixed to a networking server feature. The contexts provide monitoring support and configuration to services, protocols or utilities thereby extending the functionality of NETSH.
How to Obtain the Contexts List?
The user can obtain the NETSH context lists through command prompt window on a running Windows Server 10. Type ‘netsh’ and press ENTER. See the command list below:

What are Subcontexts?
Subcontexts are the NETSH contexts that carry both commands and additional contexts. For instance, within the Routing context, the user can change to Subcontexts of IP and IPv6. If the user wants a list of commands and Subcontexts within a context, the user should type the context name, and /? or help. For example, if the user wants to display a list of command and Subcontexts for using them within the Routing context, the user should type any one of the following:
routing /?
routing help
What is Formatting Legend?
To interpret and use accurate NETSH command syntax, the following formatting legend is used:
- Text in Bold means the user must type the information exactly as shown while typing the command.
- Text in Italic means the user must supply the information while typing the command. For instance, if there is a parameter name –Username, the user is expected to type the actual username.
- Text present between braces { } with choices separated signals that the user must choose only one option between the two. For e.g {enable | disable}
- Text designed with a Courier font signals that it is a code or output of the program.